Unit 1, 10 Duerdin St, Clayton VIC 3168, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9239 8088 Fax: +61 3 9239 8024
E-mail: [email protected] www.clenergy.com.au
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Installation Guide_PV-ezRack ComT V2.0 (September 2020)
You will need to determine the terrain category to ensure the installation meets the required standard.
Terrain Category 1 (TC1) – Very exposed open terrain with few or no obstructions and enclosed, limited-
sized water surfaces at serviceability and ultimate wind speeds in all wind regions, e.g. flat, treeless,
poorly grassed plains; rivers, canals and lakes; and enclosed bays extending less than 10km in the wind
Terrain Category 1.5 (TC1.5) – Open water surfaces subjected to shoaling waves at serviceability and
ultimate wind speeds in all win regions, e.g. near-shore ocean water; larger unenclosed bays on seas and
oceans; lakes; and enclosed bays extending greater than 10km in the wind direction. The terrain height
multipliers for this terrain category shall be obtained by the linear interpolation between the values for the
TC1 and TC2.
Terrain Category 2 (TC2) – Open terrain, including grassland, with well-scattered obstructions having
heights generally from 1.5m to 5m, with no more than two obstructions per hectare, e.g. farmland and
cleared subdivisions with isolated trees and uncut grass.
Terrain Category 2.5 (TC2.5) – Terrain with a few trees or isolated obstructions. This category is
intermediate between TC2 and TC3 and represents the terrain in developing outer urban areas with
scattered houses, or larger acreage developments with fewer than ten buildings per hectare. The terrain-
height multipliers for this terrain category shall be obtained by linear interpolation between the values for
the TC2 and TC3.
Terrain Category 3 (TC3) – Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having heights generally
from 3m to 10m. The minimum density of obstructions shall be at least the equivalent of 10 house sized
obstructions per hectare, e.g. suburban housing or light industrial estates.
Terrain Category 4 (TC4) – Terrain with numerous larger, high (10m to 30m tall) and closely-spaced
constructions buildings, such as large city centers and well-developed industrial complexes.
If your installation site is not at TC 2, 2.5 or 3, please contact Clenergy to obtain a project specific
engineering certificate to support your installation.
2.2 Determine the Terrain Category
Please refer to“AS 4312-2008 Atmospheric Corrosivity Zones in Australia” or consult local construction
business to verify corrosivity category of installation site to determine appropriate products and interface
spacing. When standard products are installed in high corrosivity zones, like C4/C5, interface spacing
reduction factor need to be applied. Please refer to the generic notes of Certification Letter for the details.
2.3 Verify Atmospheric Corrosivity Zone of Installation Site