Note 20.
Fixing spacing to be reduced to timber purlins as per below:
Batten type
25 mm
30 mm
35 mm
Timber F7
Reduction of 55%
Reduction of 45%
Reduction of 40%
Timber F17
Decrease of 15%
Spacings remain
the same
Increase of 15%
Note 21.
This Engineering report is based on 2 m x 1 m panels and two rails per panel. However, a
percentage increase can be applied on all interface spacings as shown on the following table.
Number of rails per panel Panel length / width (mm)
2 rails
< 1700/ <1100
+ 8 %
3 rails
< 1700/ <1100
+ 12 %
2 rails
< 2000/ <1100
0 %
3 rails
< 2000/ <1100
+ 10 %
2 rails
< 2100/ <1100
- 10 %
3 rails
< 2100/ <1100
+ 6 %
2 rails
< 2200/ <1100
- 15 %
2 rails
< 2200/ <1200
- 20 %
Note 22.
Roof Zone definition for tilted systems where roof angle is between 1° to 45°.
Step 1.
Determine building height (h), width (b) and length (d).
Step 2.
Choose the lowest value between "h", "b x 0.2" and "d x 0.2".
Step 3.
The lowest value on Step 2, equates to a.