3) Pre drill three equally spaced clearance holes
(i.e. top, bo om and centre) in the Door &
Return Wall Receivers using a 4.5mm drill
bit. Reposi on the Wall Receivers to the
pencil line on the wall. Drill into the wall
through the clearance holes using the
3.0mm drill bit. N.B. The holes preferably
locate into a stud or nog. As an alterna ve,
a toggle system can also be used.
4) Secure the Wall Receivers to the
walls using the No.6 x 38mm
stainless steel screws
NB As a precau on apply silicone
into the drilled holes
5) A Return Sill is supplied with each of the
Return panels and is only temporarily clipped
to one end of the panel. As the Return panel
can be installed le or right hand it is necessary
to remove the sill, apply sealant and a ach to
the correct end of the Return panel
6) Apply a small con nuous bead of NG
Silicone sealant into the bo om of the
Return sill channel. Do not fill the
channel with silicone as this will be
excessive and the majority will ooze
out making cleanup difficult
Wall Receivers
Return Panels