Access additional options and check navigation-related information.
Customize the way the navigation software works.
See information about the navigation software.
With a planned route, the following menu options are also available:
Add an intermediate destination to your route.
See route alternatives to avoid parts of the route, or to avoid a specific road from your planned
View the route in its full length on the map and check route parameters and route alternatives.
to access additional options, like Simulation or Route Preferences.
Delete your route.
Delete the next waypoint or the whole route.
In the navigation menu, you have the following additional options:
Open the Saved Locations screen where you can save a location as a favorite destination or edit
a saved location.
Suspend navigation.
Resume navigation.
Access the User profiles menu where you can create new profiles or edit the existing ones. If
several drivers are using the navigation system, they can create their own profiles with their own
The following options are also available on many of the menu screens:
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