Cisco uBR905 Router Hardware Installation Guide
OL-0598-01 (9/2000)
These procedures do not require a connection to the router’s console port, nor do they require access to
the router’s command-line interface (CLI). However, CLI access might be required to configure the
router and to bring it to full operability. See the Cisco uBR905 Cable Access Router Software
Configuration Guide for instructions on configuring the router for network operation.
This guide is organized into the following chapters and appendixes:
Table 1
Chapter 1
Describes the Cisco uBR905 cable access router, its
operation, and its interaction with the Cable Modem
Termination System (CMTS).
Chapter 2
Outlines site preparation requirements to meet before
installing a Cisco uBR905 cable access router at a
subscriber site. The chapter also discusses safety and
agency considerations.
Chapter 3
Installing the Cisco uBR905
Provides instructions to connect the Cisco uBR905 cable
access router, perform its initial power on, and verify its
basic functionality.
Chapter 4
Contains basic installation troubleshooting information
appropriate to field service technicians. (The
troubleshooting information in this appendix does not
require access to the router’s console port or CLI
Appendix A Technical Specifications
Contains the physical, environmental, power, and data
technical specifications for the router.
Appendix B Connector and Cable
Contains the technical description of the interfaces on
the Cisco uBR905 cable access router and the most
common cables that are used with it.
Appendix C Regulatory Compliance and
Contains international agency compliance, safety, and
statutory information for the Cisco uBR905 cable access
router. This appendix also contains safety warnings
translated into multiple languages.