SIP Mode: <On/Off>
Determines whether or not the VCS will provide SIP registrar and SIP proxy functionality. This mode must be enabled in order to use
either the Presence Server or the Presence User Agent. Default: On.
xConfiguration SIP Mode: On
SIP Registration Call Remove: <Yes/No>
Specifies whether associated calls are dropped when a SIP registration expires or is removed. Default: No.
xConfiguration SIP Registration Call Remove: No
SIP Registration Outbound Flow Timer: <0..600>
Specifies the value for the Flow-Timer header in Outbound registration responses. It defines the number of seconds after which the
server will consider the registration flow to be dead if no keep-alive is sent by the user agent. Default: 0 (no header is added).
xConfiguration SIP Registration Outbound Flow Timer: 0
SIP Registration Outbound Refresh Maximum: <30..7200>
The maximum allowed value for a SIP registration refresh period for Outbound registrations. Requests for a value greater than this
will result in a lower value (calculated according to the Outbound registration refresh strategy) being returned. Default: 3600
xConfiguration SIP Registration Outbound Refresh Maximum: 3600
SIP Registration Outbound Refresh Minimum: <30..7200>
The minimum allowed value for a SIP registration refresh period for Outbound registrations. Requests for a value lower than this
value will result in the registration being rejected with a 423 Interval Too Brief response. Default: 600 seconds.
xConfiguration SIP Registration Outbound Refresh Minimum: 600
SIP Registration Outbound Refresh Strategy: <Maximum/Variable>
The method used to generate the SIP registration expiry period for Outbound registrations. Default: Variable.
: uses the lesser of the configured maximum refresh value and the value requested in the registration.
: generates a random value between the configured minimum refresh value and the lesser of the configured maximum
refresh value and the value requested in the registration.
xConfiguration SIP Registration Outbound Refresh Strategy: Variable
SIP Registration Proxy Mode: <Off/ProxyToKnownOnly/ProxyToAny>
Specifies how proxied registrations should be handled. Default: Off.
: registration requests will not be proxied.
: registration requests will be proxied to neighbors only.
: registration requests will be proxied in accordance with the VCS’s existing call processing rules.
xConfiguration SIP Registration Proxy Mode: Off
SIP Registration Standard Refresh Maximum: <30..7200>
The maximum allowed value for a SIP registration refresh period for standard registrations. Requests for a value greater than this will
result in a lower value being returned. That value is calculated according to the standard registration refresh strategy. Default: 60
xConfiguration SIP Registration Standard Refresh Maximum: 60
SIP Registration Standard Refresh Minimum: <30..3600>
The minimum allowed value for a SIP registration refresh period for standard registrations. Requests for a value lower than this value
will result in the registration being rejected with a 423 Interval Too Brief response. Default: 45 seconds.
xConfiguration SIP Registration Standard Refresh Minimum: 45
Cisco VCS Administrator Guide (X8.1.1)
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Reference material
Command reference — xConfiguration