Usage tips
The IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) of the transcoder.
If you have several transcoders you are
recommended to either use their IP
addresses or to give each device a
different FQDN.
You may encounter problems if you use an
FQDN that resolves to multiple transcoders
(via DNS-based load balancing). This is
because the B2BUA will first use DNS to
discover the number of available ports on a
transcoder, and then use DNS again to
route a call to the transcoder. If the DNS
lookup can resolve to different transcoders
there is no guarantee that the call will be
directed to the same transcoder that
provided the resource information.
The listening port on the transcoder.
Restarting the B2BUA service
B2BUA service restart
page (
Applications > B2BUA > Microsoft Lync > B2BUA service restart
is used to restart the Lync B2BUA service.
A restart is sometimes required to enable certain configuration changes to the B2BUA to take effect. A
system alarm will be raised if a service restart is necessary.
Note that this function only restarts the B2BUA service; it does not restart the VCS. However, restarting the
service will cause any active calls being managed by the B2BUA to be lost.
To restart the B2BUA service:
1. Go to
Applications > B2BUA > Microsoft Lync > B2BUA service restart
2. Check the number of active calls currently in place.
3. Click
Restart service
The service should restart after a few seconds. The status of the B2BUA service is displayed on the
configuration page
Clustered VCS systems
On a clustered VCS you have to restart the Lync B2BUA service on every peer. You are recommended to
ensure the service is configured and running correctly on the master peer before restarting the B2BUA
service on the other peers.
Cisco VCS Administrator Guide (X8.1.1)
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B2BUA (back-to-back user agent) overview