Configuring the Voice Settings
Line 1 and Line 2 Settings (PHONE Port1 and PHONE2)
Cisco SPA100Series Administration Guide
DTMF Tx Mode
DTMF Detection Tx Mode is available for SIP information
and AVT. Options are: Strict or Normal.
Default setting: Strict for which the following are true:
A DTMF digit requires an extra hold time after
The DTMF level threshold is raised to -20 dBm.
The minimum and maximum duration thresholds are:
strict mode for AVT: 70 ms
normal mode for AVT: 40 ms
strict mode for SIP info: 90 ms
normal mode for SIP info: 50 ms
DTMF Tx Strict
Hold Off Time
This parameter is in effect only when DTMF Tx Mode is set
to strict, and when DTMF Tx Method is set to out-ofband;
i.e. either AVT or SIP-INFO. The value can be set as low as
40 ms. There is no maximum limit. A larger value will
reduce the chance of talk-off (beeping) during
conversation, at the expense of reduced performance of
DTMF detection, which is needed for interactive voice
response systems (IVR) Default: 70 ms
FAX Enable T38
To enable the use of ITU-T T.38 standard for FAX Relay,
select yes. Otherwise select no.
Default setting: yes
Hook Flash Tx
Select the method for signaling hook flash events: None,
AVT, or INFO. None does not signal hook flash events. AVT
uses RFC2833 AVT (event = 16) INFO uses SIP INFO with
the single line signal=hf in the message body. The MIME
type for this message body is taken from the Hook Flash
MIME Type setting.
Default setting: None