Cisco SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide
Chapter 3 Managing Cisco SIP IP Phones
Setting the Date, Time, and Daylight Saving Time
Setting the Date, Time, and Daylight Saving Time
The current date and time is supported on the Cisco SIP IP phone via SNTP and is displayed on the
phone’s LCD. In addition to supporting the current date and time, Daylight Saving Time (DST) and time
zone settings are also supported. DST can be configured to be obtained via an absolute (for example,
starts on April 1 and ends on October 1) or relative (for example, starts the first Sunday in April and ends
on the last day of October) configuration.
The format for the date can be set using the
International time zone abbreviations are supported and are case sensitive (must be in all capital letters).
Cisco recommends that date and time-related parameters be defined in the SIPDefault.cnf file. The time
zone parameter can be set manually on the phone or in the configuration file.
Before You Begin
When configuring the date, time, time zone, and DST settings, remember the following:
Review the guidelines and restrictions documented in the
“Configuration File Guidelines” section
on page 2-4
Determine whether you want to configure absolute DST or relative DST.
The SNTP parameters specify how the phone will obtain the current time from an SNTP server.
Review the guidelines in
Table 3-8
Table 3-9
before configuring the SNTP parameters.
Table 3-8
lists the actions that take place when a null value ( is specified in the sntp_server
SIP Phone> traceroute ip-address [ttl]
Initiates a traceroute session from the console or from a
Telnet session. Traceroute shows the route that IP datagrams
follow from the SIP IP phone to the specified IP address. Use
the following two arguments:
ip-address: The dotted IP address or alphanumeric
address (host name) of the host to which you are sending
the traceroute.
ttl: The time-to-live value, or the number of routers
(hops) through which the datagram can pass. The default
value is 30.
SIP Phone> undebug {arp | console-stall | strlib |
malloc | malloc-table | sk-platform | flash | vcm |
dtmf | task-socket | lsm | fsm | auth | fim | gsm |
cc | cc-msg | softkeys | error | sip-task |
sip-state | sip-messages | sip-reg-state | dns |
config | sntp | sntp-packet}
Turns off debugging.
Table 3-7
CLI Commands (continued)