Cisco SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide
Getting Started with Your Cisco SIP IP Phone
This chapter explains the Cisco SIP IP phone initialization and the process that you should follow to
install and connect the Cisco SIP IP phone.
This chapter provides the following major sections:
Initialization Process Overview, page 2-1
Installing the Cisco SIP IP Phone, page 2-2
Verifying Startup, page 2-14
Using the Cisco SIP IP Phone Menu Interface, page 2-15
Reading the Cisco SIP IP Phone Icons, page 2-15
Customizing the Cisco SIP IP Phone Ring Types, page 2-17
Creating Dial Plans, page 2-17
Initialization Process Overview
The initialization process of the Cisco SIP IP phone is responsible for establishing network connectivity
and for making the phone operational in your IP network.
Once you connect your phone to the network and to an electrical supply, the phone begins its
initialization process.
During the initialization process, the following events take place:
The stored image is loaded.
The Cisco SIP IP phone has nonvolatile Flash memory in which it stores the firmware images,
user-defined preferences, and permanent factory information about the phone.
During initialization, the phone runs a bootstrap loader that loads and executes the phone image
stored in Flash memory.
The VLAN is configured.
If the Cisco SIP IP phone is connected to a Catalyst switch, the switch notifies the phone of the voice
VLAN defined on the switch. The phone needs to know its VLAN membership before it can proceed
with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) request for its IP settings (if using DHCP).
An IP address is acquired.