Table 16: Ports on the Supervisor PIC
The Supervisor PIC has two QSFP ports. These ports
are used to connect it to the switch or router. These
ports provide backhaul connection to the WAN
QSFP ports
The Supervisor PIC has two timing ports, 1 PPS and
10 MHz ports, which are reserved for future use.
Timing ports
The Supervisor PIC has a Time of Date (ToD) port.
TOD port
The Supervisor PIC has two DTI ports. These ports
are used for connecting to DTI server as a reference
clock source.
DTI ports
The Supervisor PIC has a CM/DTP port, which is
reserved for future use.
CM/DTP port
The Supervisor PIC has two NME ports. These ports
are the Gigabit Ethernet management ports. One port
is used for network management and is used to
connect to a switch and the other port is reserved for
future use.
NME ports
The Supervisor PIC has one RJ-45 console port. This
port is an asynchronous EIA/TIA-232 serial port used
to connect a terminal to the Supervisor PIC for local
administrative access.
Console port
The Supervisor PIC has one auxiliary port. This port
is used to connect a terminal server to the Supervisor
PIC for verifying the system status.
Auxiliary port
The Supervisor PIC has the following LEDs:
Supervisor PIC status LED
iNSI active LED
Replace LED
SFP+ module and link status LED
DTI normal mode status LED
DTI Normal
DTI fast mode status LED
DTI Fast
NME module link status LED
NME module link active LED
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