If Mobility Agent is chosen, enter the mobility controller IP address in the Mobility Controller IP Address
text box and mobility controller IP address in the Mobility Controller Public IP Address text box.
If Mobility Controller is chosen, then the mobility controller IP address and mobility controller public IP
address are displayed in the respective text boxes.
Displays mobility protocol port number in the Mobility Protocol Port text box.
Displays the mobility switch peer group name in the Mobility Switch Peer Group Name text box.
Displays whether DTLS is enabled in the DTLS Mode text box.
DTLS is a standards-track Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) protocol based on TLS.
Displays mobility domain identifier for 802.11 radios in the Mobility Domain ID for 802.11 radios text box.
The amount of time (in seconds) between each ping request sent to an peer device in the Mobility Keepalive Interval
(1-30)sec text box.
Valid range is from 1 to 30 seconds, and the default value is 10 seconds.
Number of times a ping request is sent to an peer device before the peer is considered to be unreachable in the
Mobility Keepalive Count (3-20) text box.
The valid range is from 3 to 20, and the default value is 3.
The DSCP value that you can set for the mobility device in the Mobility Control Message DSCP Value (0-63) text
The valid range is 0 to 63, and the default value is 0.
Displays the number of mobility switch peer group member configured in the Switch Peer Group Members
Configured text box.
page appears.
Step 11
In the
page, enter the following WLAN configuration parameters, and click
WLAN identifier in the WLAN ID text box.
SSID of the WLAN that the client is associated with in the SSID text box.
Name of the WLAN used by the client in the Profile Name text box.
802.11 Configuration
page appears.
Step 12
In the
802.11 Configuration
page, check either one or both 802.11a/n/ac and 802.11b/g/n check boxes to enable the
802.11 radios, and click
Set Time
page appears.
Step 13
In the
Set Time
page, you can configure the time and date on the device based on the following parameters, and click
Displays current timestamp on the device in the Current Time text box.
Choose either Manual or NTP from the Mode drop-down list.
On using the NTP server, all access points connected to the device, synchronizes its time based on the NTP server
settings available.
IP Multicast Routing Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3650 Switches)
Using the Web Graphical User Interface
Configuring the Device Web GUI