Step 3
To enable secure web mode, which allows users to access the device GUI using
choose Enabled
from the HTTPS Access drop-down list. Otherwise, choose Disabled. Secure web mode (HTTPS) is a secure connection.
Step 4
Choose to track the device in the IP Device Tracking check box.
Step 5
Choose to enable the trust point in the Enable check box.
Step 6
Choose the trustpoints from the Trustpoints drop-down list.
Step 7
Enter the amount of time, in seconds, before the web session times out due to inactivity in the HTTP Timeout-policy (1
to 600 sec) text box.
The valid range is from 1 to 600 seconds.
Step 8
Enter the server life time in the Server Life Time (1 to 86400 sec) text box.
The valid range is from1 to 86400 seconds.
Step 9
Enter the maximum number of connection requests that the server can accept in the Maximum number of Requests (1
to 86400) text box.
The valid range is from 1 to 86400 connections.
Step 10
Step 11
Save Configuration
Configuring the Device Web GUI
The configuration wizard enables you to configure basic settings on the device. You can run the wizard after
you receive the device from the factory or after the device has been reset to factory defaults. The configuration
wizard is available in both GUI and CLI formats.
Step 1
Connect your PC to the service port and configure an IPv4 address to use the same subnet as the device. The device is
loaded with IOS XE image and the service port interface is configured as gigabitethernet 0/0.
Step 2
Start Internet Explorer 10 (or later), Firefox (or later), or Google Chrome on your PC and enter the management
interface IP address on the browser window. The management interface IP address is same as the gigabitethernet 0/0
(also known as service port interface). When you log in for the first time, you need to enter HTTP username and password.
By default, the username is
and the password is
You can use both HTTP and HTTPS when using the service port interface. HTTPS is enabled by default and HTTP can
also be enabled.
When you log in for the first time, the
Accessing Cisco Switch <Model Number> <Hostname>
page appears.
Step 3
On the
Accessing Cisco Switch
page, click the
Wireless Web GUI
link to access device web GUI
Step 4
to perform all steps that you need to configure the device initially.
Admin Users
page appears.
Step 5
On the
Admin Users
page, enter the administrative username to be assigned to this device in the User Name text box
and the administrative password to be assigned to this device in the Password and Confirm Password text boxes. Click
The default username is
and the default password is
. You can also create a new administrator user for the
device. You can enter up to 24 ASCII characters for username and password.
IP Multicast Routing Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3650 Switches)
Using the Web Graphical User Interface
Configuring the Device Web GUI