Chapter 6 Managing Firmware and Configurations
Updating Firmware
Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide
Updating Firmware
You use the Cisco Services Setup page to update the access point’s firmware. You
can perform the update by browsing to a local drive or by using FTP to update the
firmware from a file server.
Figure 6-1
shows the Cisco Services Setup page.
Figure 6-1
Cisco Services Setup Page
Follow this link path in the browser interface to reach the Cisco Services Setup
On the Summary Status page, click
On the Setup page, click
Cisco Services Setup
Updating with the Browser from a Local Drive
When you update the firmware with your browser, you browse to your hard drive
or to a mapped network drive for the new firmware. You can update the four
firmware components—the management system firmware, the firmware web
pages, and the radio firmware for both radios—individually or all at once. It is
simplest to update all the components at once, but in some situations you might
want to update them individually.