Weak optimization
Strength of optimization is weak
Medium optimization
Strength of optimization is medium
Strong optimization
Strength of optimization is strong
Force B Frame Delta QP
This setting specifies the delta increase between the picture quantizer of the
anchor frame and the picture quantizer of the B frame. This setting can be from 0 to
31 and only takes effect when utilizing B frames.
In-Loop Deblocking
This setting specifies whether the codec should use the in-loop deblocking filter
during encoding. When the codec uses the in-loop deblocking filter, the edges of
the macroblocks in the output video frames will not be as noticeable. However, the
filter makes the image softer in appearance.
Force Median
This setting specifies whether the codec should use a median filtering during
encoding. Median filtering can reduce the encoded size of the video stream, but
can introduce compression artifacts. The artifacts associated with this filter can
include motion trails behind moving objects in the image.
Force Overlap
This setting specifies whether the codec will use overlap smoothing when
encoding. Overlap smoothing effects I frames only. When in use, the edges of the
macroblocks in the output video frames will not be as noticeable. However, the filter
makes the image softer in appearance.
Macroblock Mode Cost Method
This setting specifies the cost method used by the codec to determine which
macroblock mode to use. SAD/Hadamard uses only distortion to compute cost,
while RD accounts for both rate and distortion in the computation.
Motion Match Method
This setting specifies the method to use for motion matching. Available settings are
SAD, Hadamard, and Macroblock-adaptive, which configures the codec to make
decisions about which method to use on each macroblock. This can potentially
reduce overall computation required for encoding by performing the
computationally-intensive Hadamard transform only when appropriate.