Cisco 3900 Series, Cisco 2900 Series, and Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 Software Configuration Guide
Chapter Configuring Ethernet Virtual Connection Bridge Domain
Support for Y.1731 Performance Monitoring for EVC BD
ethernet cfm domain OperatorB level 2
mep archive-hold-time 65
mip auto-create
service MetroCustomer1OpB vlan 101
interface gigabitethernet1/2
ethernet cfm mip level 2
<<<< manual MIP
interface gigabitethernet2/2
ethernet cfm mip level 4
<<<< manual MIP
ethernet cfm mep domain OperatorB mpid 202 vlan 101
CE-B Configuration
ethernet cfm global
ethernet cfm ieee
ethernet cfm traceroute cache
ethernet cfm traceroute cache size 200
ethernet cfm traceroute cache hold-time 60
ethernet cfm domain Customer-L7 level 7
service Customer1 vlan 101 direction down
interface gigabitethernet3/2
ethernet cfm mep domain Customer-L7 mpid 702 vlan 101
Support for Y.1731 Performance Monitoring for EVC BD
Y.1731 Performance Monitoring (PM) provides a standard Ethernet PM function that includes
measurement of Ethernet frame delay, frame delay variation, frame loss, and frame throughput
measurements specified by the ITU-T Y-1731 standard and interpreted by the Metro Ethernet Forum
(MEF) standards group.ITU-T Y.1731 feature supports key operation and maintenance standards that
provide for automated end-to-end management and monitoring of Ethernet service by service providers.
This feature is supported only if you have purchased the DATA technology package functionality
) licensing package. For more information about managing software activation licenses on the
Cisco ISR and Cisco ISR G2 platforms, see
Configuring a Sender MEP for a Single-Ended Ethernet Delay or Delay Variation Operation
Perform this task to configure a sender MEP on the source device.
Before You Begin
Time synchronization is required between the source and destination devices in order to provide accurate
one-way delay (latency) or delay-variation measurements. Configure either Precision Time Protocol
(PTP) or Network Time Pprotocol (NTP) on both the source and destination devices.