More explanation of these are available in the appendices. The Universal Color Space LUTs (UCS) are designed
to closely match REC.2020 with linear dimming and is available in two CCT ranges: 2700-6500K (UCS 27-65) and
an extended 2000-10,000K range (eUCS 20-100). The system default is UCS 27-65.
When operating the LB800 with other legacy Cineo fixtures, the Cineo 2017 LUT matches the color space
of the Standard 410, Lightblades, C80, LB1K and older (non-C2OS) LB800 units. This LUT also selects
legacy Cineo PAD dimming curve. Choose this for compatibility with all legacy Cineo fixtures.
This parameter defines what method of control is desired, both locally and remotely. Both HSIK and
RGBK modes are supported, each with the ability to optionally c/- Green. In addition, two basic
personalities are included to match single CCT or BiColor fixtures, such as Cineo HS or Maverick.
Selecting these disables saturated color and creates a smaller DMX footprint for remote operation.
Selecting the Zone icon presents zone options for the fixture: 1, 2 or 10 zones. Note that in 1 or 2-zone
modes, the
control is active. When 10-Zone is selected, the
control is active.
The control section is located at the bottom of the screen, identified by dark blue icons.