RGBK Controls
If RGBK or RGBK+G Personalities are
selected, both Local and Remote controls
change to support control of the fixture
using primary color mixing, similar to
theatrical fixtures. When values of R, G
and B are equal, the resulting white is
adjustable via the CCT slider.
Control screens are similar to operation in
HSIK mode, with the exception that only
the R, G, B and K values are adjustable in
1-Zone, 2-Zone and 10-Zone modes.
By touching the Tools icon, several fixture settings
are available, as well as temperature and
component monitoring status.
Time Set
The LB800 contains a crystal-accurate
clock that is the time reference for the
fixture. This includes the date and time
displays throughout the user interface, the
timestamps used for event logging and
creation/modification date stamps for all
stored LUTs, Presets and Effects. Touch
the Date, Time or 12/24-hour time format
to change any of these criteria.
The thermal management of LB800 includes sophisticated software designed to prevent thermal stress.
CRMX Wireless
In this section, the CRMX radio linking and status are managed. The LB800 includes support for CRMX / Lumen
Radio protocol which can receive signals from CRMX and some WDMX transmitters. CRMX receivers always
automatically “Link” to the available transmitter in the vicinity. Please note that each fixture can only be linked
to a single network at a time and maintains the network ID of its previous linking. Therefore, the fixture’s
linking data must be cleared prior to linking to a new network. Touch the red button to “Unlink” the unit to a
connected wireless DMX transmitter. This line also displays the current fixture status in relationship to being
linked to a transmitter or not. It also shows the status of valid DMX data on the connection.
Refer to your wireless DMX transmitter instructions for linking fixtures to a wireless network.
Service Logs
Pressing the “Errors” button show a list of errors reported for diagnostic purposes. The “About” button displays
system information, including the software version.