Presets/Effects/Logs – Copy and Storage
By pressing the arrow button, the system
memory can be managed, as well as
providing tools to move user Presets,
Effects and Logs to/from a USB storage
Presets and Effects
The LB800 is capable of recording and playing back static or dynamic settings. In all Control screens, current static
output settings for the fixture can be recorded as Presets and recalled for future use. The same is true for saving
dynamic lighting changes, created locally or played from a console via supported remote protocols and recorded as
Effects. These are organized in the Presets and Effects icons on the Home screen, with static settings stored in Presets,
and dynamic settings stored in Effects. In either area, the user can create collections of both Presets and Effects, stored
in folders called Libraries.
The LB800 is shipped with pre-built “Cineo Presets” and “Cineo Effects”, with the ability to create your own. Any Cineo
Preset or Effect can be recalled by simply selecting the stored item; it can then be modified and stored as a new item in
the “User Presets” area of Libraries.
Creating Presets
As previously mentioned, all applicable screens, including
the remote operation screen offer the ability to record a
Preset event.
Since a Preset is a snapshot of the current
settings, once the Preset button is pushed,
the user is prompted to select an existing
Library for storage, or the choice to create a
new Library.