PID Function
PID control is through detecting the measured out feedback value of the co ntrolled
objec t, com parin g with the set ta rget value, then adjust and control the deviation to be 0.
Functions of PID controller's three parts: rate P, integral I, differential D are as
1.Rate P Contr ol: Adju stmen t valu e is output according to error and proportion, When
only controlled by rate P, the error will not be 0.
2.Integral I Control: Adjustment value is output according to error's integral, when
error is 0, the output is constant.
3.Differential D Control: Adjustment value is output according to error's differential,
when error changes suddenly, it can be easily controlled.
4.PID Control: Assemble three advantages and achieve the best control performance.
Adjustment way of PID control:
Set the I nvert er's PI D close d loop cont rol way to be vali d, detecting system output
through the feedback signal, adjust the parameter of PID controller according to output
wave. Normally adjust according to below rules:
When output is not concussed, increase rate increment P.
When output is not concussed, decrease integral time constant I.
When output is not concussed, increase differential time constant D.
In actual adjustment, adjust PID parameter according to below steps:
Suppress output overshoot: decrease differential time constant D, increase integral
time constant I.
Note: When PID operating, the positive, reverse relation of input value and rotating
speed, is determined by the set value of F011 and F012.
F064 PID Mode Choice Setting Range: 0~1 Factory Setting: 0
F064=0: PID Function is not valid.
F064=1: PID Function is valid.
F065 PID Target Value Setting Way Choice Setting Range: 0~4
Factory Setting: 0
F065=0: PID Target Value is set by panel
F065=1: PID Target Value is set by panel potentiometer.
F065=2: PID Target Value is set by outer potentiometer or outer voltage DC 0~10V.
F065=3: PID Target Value is set by outer current DC 4~20mA.
F065=4: PID Target Value is set by outer pushbutton up or down.
Function Instruction: Such function is used to choose the target value source when
PID is operated.
F066 PID Feedback Way Choice Setting Range: 0~1 Factory Setting: 1
F066=0: Outer Voltage.
F066=1: Outer Current.
Function Instruction: Such function is used to choose the source of PID feedback value.
F067 Maximum Target Value Setting Range: 0~9999 Factory Setting: 1000
Function Instruction: Such function is used to set the maximum target value when PID
is operated.
F068 Relevant Feedback Value of Maximum Target Value Setting Range:
0~100% Factory Setting: 100%
Function Instruction: Such function is used to set the Relevant Feedback Value of
Maximum Target Value when PID is operated.
F069 Minimum Target Value Setting Range: 0~9999 Factory Setting: 0
Function Instruction: Such function is used to set the minimum targe t value when PI D
is operated.
F070 Relevant Feedback Value of Minimum Target Value Setting Range:
0~100% Factory Setting: 0%
Function Instruction: Such function is used to set the Relevant Feedback Value of minimum
Target Value when PID is operated.
F071 Gain Rate Setting Range: 0.00~99.99 Factory Setting: 1.00
Function Instruction: When gain rate takes large value, its response is quick, but if too
large, it always generates concussion. If takes small value, its response is slow.
F072 Integral Time Setting Range: 0.00~99.9S Factory Setting: 1.0S
Function Instruction: When integral time takes large value, its response is slow and its
outer control ability becomes worse. When integral time takes small val ue, its respon se
is quick but if too small it always generates concussion.
F073 Differential Time Setting Range: 0.00~99.9S Factory Setting: 1.0S
Function Instruction: When differential time takes large value, its response is quick, but
if too large, i t always generates concussion. If takes small value, its response is slow.
F074 Feedback Value Smoothing Coefficient Setting Range: 0~200% Factory Setting: 100%
Function Instruction: When feedback signal superimposed and have noise, it will effect
feedback precision. In this situation, please adjust feedback smoothing coefficient.
Note: I f set the s mooth ing coe fficie nt too la rge, it will cause the delay of control response,
make worse of control performance.
F075 DC Braking Time Setting Range: 0.0~25.0S Factory Setting: 0.3S
Function Instruction: Such function is used to set the needed time from DC braking start
to motor stop, when F003 is set to 0 or 2.
F076 DC Braking Start Frequency Setting Range: 0.0~50.0HZ Factory Setting: 3.0HZ
Function Instruction: Such function is used to set when F003=0, after motor freely de
celerate to the frequency value set by this function, press F077 DC b raking torqu e
and F075 DC braking operation time to brake stop.
Article6 Function parameter illustration
Article6 Function parameter illustration
AC brake function