2) Choose Contact > Name Block Format, and select a format from the menu. This will change the format only
for the selected contact.
3) OR open Settings and click Name Block Format to select the format.
Attachments Block
The Attachments block is used to keep track of emails associated with a contact.
To open an attachment:
1) Double-click an attachment to open it.
To control which attachment are displayed and how they are displayed:
1) Click the Show pop-up menu to filter the attachments by type.
2) Click the Columns pop-up menu to choose the columns to display.
3) Click a column heading to sort on a particular column. Repeat this step to reverse the sort order. A blue
column heading indicates that the column is being sorted on. The arrow in the column heading will dictate
whether the column is being sorted in ascending or descending order.
Tags Block
The Tags block is used to assign tags to contacts. Tags provide a way to mark a contact with certain words to
help you organize your contacts. You can then search for contacts based on tags.
Relationships Block
The Relationships block is used to enter contacts that are somehow related (father, daughter, employer, etc.) to
the selected contact. For more information on contact linking, see
Attachments and Links
Custom Block
The Custom block is used to store additional fields that don’t necessarily fit into one of the other blocks. You can
store any type of information you would like in a custom field. For example, you may want to store the birth-
place, student ID, or hobby of a contact.
Dates Block
The Dates block is used to store any kind of date associated with a contact. Each date can be labeled (birthday,
anniversary, etc.) to help you identify the date. The age (di
erence between the current date and the date you
entered) is displayed in gray to the right of the date for your convenience.
Address, Phone, E-Mail, URLs, and Chat Blocks
Each of these blocks are used to store information related to their block name. For example, the Phone block is
used to store all the phone numbers for a contact.
Notes Blocks
The Notes block can display extremely large notes. By default, the Notes block will automatically resize to ac-
commodate all the notes. You can optionally have the notes block always have a fixed height in which case the
Notes block gains its own scroll bar so you can scroll through long notes from within the block.