You can specify which fields appear by default when a new contact is created and the order in which they ap-
pear. For example, you may want to display a home email address and then a work email address when a new
contact is created.
1) Choose iTriumph > Preferences > Contacts > Layout.
2) Select a block in the Template section.
3) Click the Add (+) button to add a field, or the Delete (-) button to remove a field.
4) Choose a field from the pop-up menu or choose Custom to create a new field.
5) Click and drag a field to a di
erent position to rearrange the order fields appear in.
6) Enable “Always show default fields” if you always want the default fields to appear whether or not they are
populated with data. If you disable this setting then any default field that is not populated with data will
disappear when you save the contact.
To restrict the minimum and maximum number of block columns:
The card region arranges blocks into columns and rows. Most blocks will only occupy a single column, but oth-
ers will occupy two or more columns. You can restrict the minimum and maximum number of block columns
the card region has. This will give you control over how the blocks appear in the card region.
1) Choose iTriumph > Preferences > Contacts > Layout.
2) Type the minimum and maximum number of columns to allow in the card region in the Display section.
To show/hide empty blocks in the card region:
When viewing contact information in the card region, you may want to show or hide the empty blocks.
1) Choose “Hide Empty Blocks” from the Action button pop-up menu located at the bottom of the Contact
Card view to show or hide the empty blocks in the card region.
Name Block
The Name block is where you enter a contact’s name, organization, job title, nickname, etc. You can change the
format and individual fields that appear in the Name block. The Standard format includes a minimal amount of
name related fields, whereas the Expanded format includes all of the name fields.
The Standard format includes a single Name field in which you type a contact’s first, last, middle, prefix, su
and nickname into one field. iTriumph then automatically parses the name you entered and figures out how
the name should be divided and saved as individual name fields. This combined name field makes it quick and
easy to enter contact names. You can click the Name action button to confirm how iTriumph divided the com-
bined name field if the name you entered is complex. The Expanded format, on the other hand, includes a sepa-
rate field for each of the name related fields.
To set the default format for the Name block:
You can set the default format for the Name block for both a contact and an organization.
1) Choose iTriumph > Preferences > Contacts > Layout.
2) Choose a default format from either the People or the Organizations pop-up menu in the Default Name
block section.
To change the format for the Name block on a contact-by-contact basis:
1) Select a contact.