VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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Other sensor types will have separate sections in the setup report. Here are some examples of letter
specifications for other sensors:
Liquid Sensor
Vapor Sensor
Ground-water Sensor
Type-A Sensor
Type-B Sensor
Relay Setup
Finally, there is a Relay Setup section in the report. Here is an example of the Relay Setup:
Figure 4.3-5 - Setup Report
TLS 300/350
Relay Setup
Like the Tank Setup, each relay has a letter and number specification. In the example above, R1: Low
Level Tank 1. When configuring the relay using the
, we would specify the address as 01 and the name as R01_Low_Level_Tank_1.
Completing the Configuration
Once the configuration process has finished, either using the Standard or Advanced configuration, you
will need to reboot the system for the new configuration to take effect.
First, return to the main system page by typing in the follow URL into a web browser:
where {ipAddress} is the IP Address of the gateway.
From this page, under the System actions, first click the “Save Database” link to save all changes.
Figure 4.4-1 - Save Database Link
Click “Ok” when prompted and you will see the following XML, check that the response status is OK.