VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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Baud Rate
The baud rate for the VeederRoot® RS232 serial communication. The default is
Data Bits
The data bits for the VeederRoot® RS232 serial communication. The default is 8.
The parity for the VeederRoot® RS232 serial communication. The default is none.
Stop Bits
The stop bits for the VeederRoot® RS232 serial communication. The default is 1.
Note: For newly installed VeederRoot® Serial communication cards whose communication
settings have not been changed on the VeederRoot® panel, use 1200, 7, Odd, 1.
Or VeederRoot® TCP/IP
Figure 4.1-6 - VeederRoot TCP/IP configuration
IP Address
The IP Address of the VeederRoot® TLS Panel.
The port for using the Veeder® TLS Protocol. It usually is 10001, and sometimes 3001
or 8001.
VeederRoot Settings
The following section contains settings used by the gateway when executing VeederRoot tasks to
read data.
Figure 4.1-7 - VeederRoot Settings
Default Value
Specifies the default value for all data points in the system. This is also used for
when the gateway determines that the VeederRoot® panel has gone offline, all data in the
database will be set to this value as a way of showing that the unit has been disconnected.
Scan Interval
How many seconds to poll for data. The default is 10 seconds.
Timeout Time
How many seconds to wait after a message has been sent to the panel before
timing out. The default is 3 seconds.