VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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The images above are for the Standard VeederRoot® Serial configuration.
Here is a breakdown of each of the individual configuration sections:
BACnet Server Configuration
Figure 4.1-3 - BACnet Server configuration
This section is for specifying the settings for the BACnet IP server device.
This is the BACnet IP Port that the gateway will use as a BACnet IP Server device. The
default is 47808.
Device ID
This is the BACnet Device ID that will be assigned to the gateway. This must be
unique throughout the entire BACnet network on site. The default is 389001.
Modbus Slave Configuration
Figure 4.1-4 - Modbus Slave configuration
This section is for configuring the settings for the Modbus slave device.
RTU Baud Rate
The baud rate for the Modbus RTU RS485 serial connection. The default is
9600. The other serial connection parameters are pre-defined as 8 data bits, no parity, and 1
stop bit.
Device ID
This is the Modbus Slave ID that will be assigned to the gateway.
TCP Port
This is the Modbus TCP port that the gateway will use as a Modbus TCP Slave
device. The default is 502.
Veeder Root Configuration
Depending on whether you are configuration for VeederRoot® serial or TCP, the fields in this section
may differ.
For VeederRoot® serial
Figure 4.1-5 - VeederRoot serial configuration