VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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BACnet, Modbus, and VeederRoot® Configuration
As can be seen in Figure4.2-1 the BACnet Server, Modbus Slave, Veeder Root Configuration and
VeederRoot Settings options are the same as the Standard Configuration. For more information on
those sections, please review:
Tank Configuration
To configure a Tank, first click on the “Insert” link as seen below:
Figure 4.2-2 - Insert Advanced Configuration
Then in the “Choose a device type”, select Tank. You will see the following f
Figure 4.2-3 - Tank Advanced Configuration
Fill out the form with the Tank Name, Tank Address, and check which data points to poll for.
Finally Click the “insert” button to add the tank to the configu
If the tank was added successfully, you will see the following: