Chimney and Access for Sweeping
Chimney / Flueway
Must comply with all current building regulations (British Standards BS EN 15287-1:2007
design, installation and commissioning of chimneys).
Minimum Flue Height
4.5 metres
Flue Diameter
Lined with 150mm diameter class 1 liner where possible, where not,
125mm flue is permitted, due to pre fitted smoke control adaptation
A flue way must not be shared with other appliances
A flue way must be gas tight and free of tar deposits. The chimney must be swept and
examined for soundness and suitability before the stove is installed. Remedial action should
be taken if required, seeking expert advice if necessary.
Where the chimney is believed to have previously served an open fire installation it is possible
that the higher flue gas temperature from a closed appliance may loosen deposits that
were previously firmly adhered, with the consequent risk of flue blockage. It is therefore
recommended that the chimney be swept a second time within a month of regular use after
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Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee
A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be
The chimney must be swept and examined for soundness and suitability before the stove is
(see note above*)
Provision must be made for sweeping access
and for the removal of soot and debris.
Sweeping access Woody Eco (Cat)
Remove throat plate brick and sweep through stove.
Sweeping access SP/HP/FP/H&M/Chubby 5/The Woody (Multi fuel)
Remove throat plate and sweep through stove.
Lined chimney
All stoves, including the cooker models can be swept through if the correct super flexible
rods are used with the correct size brush head. However there is one exception; when a rear
adaptor is used (in this case additional sweeping provision will be needed).
Unlined chimney
If the chimney is unlined an access panel is required in the register plate.
New chimney:
A new chimney of factory made insulated flue system must comply with Building
Regulations. Consult a chimney specialist for advice on suitable flue systems for solid fuel.
We recommend that all masonry chimneys are lined.