6.0 Operation
6.13 Job Mode
The Titan 230 can be programmed for up to 99 different jobs or channels. A job is used for making a
sequence of cuts using the send (or cut) values of the job as the backgauge positions for each cut.
Each job can hold up to 99 send values. If 2 channels are linked, up to 198 send values can be
accessed from one job. When the job mode is entered, all previously programmed jobs will be
yed along with their name and lock status. Locked jobs will be indicated by an asterisk “*”. A
plus “+” sign at the bottom of the screen indicates there are more jobs programmed than what are
displayed. An example of a job mode screen display is shown below.
6.13.1 Lock/Unlocking a Job
In the Job Mode screen, the soft-
key “A” will display “Lock” or “Unlock” depending on the current
status of the job. If a job is locked, an asterisk “*” will be displayed to the right of the job name. To
change the lock status of a job, simply move the cursor to the desired job using the up and down
arrow keys, and press the soft-
key “A” (Lock/Unlock).
6.13.2 Copying a Job
First, select a job to copy by moving the cursor up or down to the desired job number and press the
key “B” (Copy). “Select Copy to #” will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Enter a job
number for the new job or move the cursor to an existing job and press ENTER. If the new job is
locked, the copy will not be allowed. NOTE: if the new job is not locked, but contains data, the old
6.13.3 Erasing a Job
Select a job to erase by moving the cursor to the desired job. Press the soft-
key “C” (Erase). “Clear
channel #” will be displayed, followed by YES or NO. Use the up and down arrow keys to toggle to
YES or NO. YES will erase the job, NO will leave the job unchanged. NOTE: locked jobs can be
6.13.4 Creating a New Job
To create a new job, type in a number that is not already assigned to a job and press ENTER
(entering a job number greater than 99 will create job #99). The cursor will move to the line
corresponding to the number you typed in, prompting you for a job name. If no job name is desired,
simply press ENTER again to begin entering send values (see below). To name the job, press the
right arrow key to move the cursor to the first character position. Enter a character of the alphabet by
1> JOB 1
7> 8.5 X 11 *
A) Lock C) Erase
B) Copy
D) Exit