6.0 Operation
6.11.1 Entering Math
In the simple send mode, the Titan 230 is capable of calculating an entire math string such as, 10-
5+5x6+2_3/4. However, the result is limited to 29999.000 and the result cannot be a negative value.
In the job mode, and during a send, the result of the calculation must be less than the backgauge limit
of 20.000 inches.
6.11.2 Entering Fractions
Fractions are entered with the priority add key X/Y. The symbol displayed when this key is pressed is
the underline symbol “_”. This instructs the computer to add the fractional portion of the entry before
performing the remaining math. This key is useful when entering a formula as follows: 3x2_3/4 =
8_1/4. If a simple plus had been used instead, the result would be as follows: 3x2+3/4 = 6_3/4.
6.12 Maintenance Mode
The maintenance mode is an area where many machine functions can be set or modified. The four
principle functions are: Language, Parameters, Diagnostic, and Knife Adjust. From the Send Screen,
(Figure 20 on page 23
), enter “A” to go to the Maintenance Screen. To select a particular function,
use the up and down arrow keys to toggle to the desired function and press ENTER. See the
following descriptions for an explanation of each function.
6.12.1 Knife Adjust
The knife adjust function provides a way for the service technician to adjust/change the knife. In the
Knife Adjust screen, use the up and down arrow keys to toggle to the up or down status as desired,
and press ENTER. Press the cut buttons to send the knife to the desired position (in the knife down
– press and hold the cut buttons until the hydraulic motor turns off).
NOTE: To exit the kni
fe down screen and return to the main menu screen, press “D” exit.
6.12.2 Parameters
In the parameter screen, use the up and down arrow keys to toggle to the desired parameter, and
press ENTER. See the descriptions that follow for an explanation of each parameter.
B) Job
C) Send
D) Exit