Boiler working stages
When boiler notifies GLW-OFF stage (NO FUEL information - symbol of wood logs with cross) is necessary to check and
estimate if there is enough glow to fill combustion chamber with wood logs (if burning process must be continued) or for
continue of burning process is neccessary to start with the ignition (insert kindling wood, paper...).
If estimation is that there is enough glow for continue with burning process, upper combustion chamber must be filled
with wood logs.
In both ignition modes (continue with enough glow or with new ignition) main switch must be switch on, press OK button,
turn switch on the screen to START and press OK button. Regulation enters S stage (start stage) and flue gas fan start to
1 - on control panel press OK button, on screen START/STOP switch with OFF position will appear, press right button to
switch it to START position and confirm it with OK button - regulation will enter S stage (start stage) and flue gas fan
start to work, on screen, normal view and startup view will be switching
2 - open upper boiler door
3 - align glow with the scraper
4 - fill the upper combustion chamber with wood logs (recommended is to completely fill it)
5 - close upper boiler door
6 - press OK button again to enter next working stage C (stabilisation).
Detail C
Detail B
Detail A
Only BioTec-C 25
Technical instructions REGULATION