Inward or Outward Door Operator
Advanced Setting
Dynamic Pause
Enable / Disable
Dynamic pause is a function which automatically adjusts the programmed pause time, preventing
Dynamic pause is a function which automatically adjusts the programmed pause time, preventing
too many close attempts of the door in high traffific situations. When enabled, this function increases
too many close attempts of the door in high traffific situations. When enabled, this function increases
the programmed pause time by 1 sec. each time it detects a passage through the door during the
the programmed pause time by 1 sec. each time it detects a passage through the door during the
closing phase, and restarts the time when passage is detected when the door is open.
closing phase, and restarts the time when passage is detected when the door is open.
Once the door completes its cycle up to the closed status, the pause time is reset to the programmed
Once the door completes its cycle up to the closed status, the pause time is reset to the programmed
Press UP or DOWN buttons to enable or disable the function and confirm with OK.
Press UP or DOWN buttons to enable or disable the function and confirm with OK.
Default value = DISABLE.
Default value = DISABLE.
Advanced Setting
FTC-S Exclusion
FTC-S Exclusion
If the door is next to a wall and is using a curtain protection device,
If the door is next to a wall and is using a curtain protection device,
it may be necessary to prevent the device being activated by the
it may be necessary to prevent the device being activated by the
wall to allow a complete opening of the leaf.
wall to allow a complete opening of the leaf.
Set the zone width as percentage of the full door motion using the
Set the zone width as percentage of the full door motion using the
UP or DOWN buttons to increase or decrease the value.
UP or DOWN buttons to increase or decrease the value.
000 = Door OPEN
000 = Door OPEN
100 = Door CLOSED
100 = Door CLOSED
Example: if you want to disable the curtain device when the leaf is
Example: if you want to disable the curtain device when the leaf is
open at the 80% of the complete travel, set the value to 20.
open at the 80% of the complete travel, set the value to 20.
FTC-S active zone
FTC-S active zone
excluded zoneexcluded zone
Advanced Setting
Wind Stop Torque
Wind Stop Torque
It is possible to adjust the torque of the motor when the wind stop function is enabled. This allows
It is possible to adjust the torque of the motor when the wind stop function is enabled. This allows
you to change the value of the force applied by the door relative to the wind pressure.
you to change the value of the force applied by the door relative to the wind pressure.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to increase or decrease the torque and confirm with OK.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to increase or decrease the torque and confirm with OK.
Default value =
Default value = 50%.
WARNING: the excluded zone may become a health & safety hazard because it
WARNING: the excluded zone may become a health & safety hazard because it
not protected!
not protected!
Advanced Setting
Ex Power Open
Enable / Disable
When enabled, this adds one more
When enabled, this adds one more OPENING
OPENING pulse at the end of the opening cycle to compensate
pulse at the end of the opening cycle to compensate
possible friction or door imbalance.
possible friction or door imbalance.
Enable or disable this function with the UP or DOWN buttons and confirm with OK.
Enable or disable this function with the UP or DOWN buttons and confirm with OK.
Default value = DISABLE
Default value = DISABLE
Advanced Setting
Ex Open Torque
Ex Open Torque
50 %
This function allows to set the
This function allows to set the TORQUE
TORQUE of the
of the OPENING
OPENING extra pulse
extra pulse.
Change the value by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons and confirm with OK.
Change the value by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons and confirm with OK.
Default value = 50%
Default value = 50%
Advanced Setting
Extra Open Time
Extra Open Time
0 SEC.
This function allows to set the duration
This function allows to set the duration TIME
TIME of the
of the OPENING
OPENING extra pulse
extra pulse
Change the value by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons and confirm with OK.
Change the value by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons and confirm with OK.
Default value = 0 SEC
Default value = 0 SEC