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Ref : EN MU DSM 46 V2
Page 30 of 49
9.2 Operation Instructions
9.2.1 Power
Connect the power cord to the socket on the front of the instrument (pos. 10) and to the power
supply (220 Vac 50Hz or 110 Vac 50 60 Hz depending on the model).
9.2.2 Power On
Connect the suction tube with the quick connector to the sampler (pos. 3); press the ON/OFF
key on the timer (for further information about the timer programming see paragraph 9.3) to
start the pump and proceed with the flowrate regulation.
9.2.3 Flowrate Setting
There are two flowrate regulators on the sampler, one is high flowrates (dust, asbestos, lead
samplings) and one for low flowrates (gas, solvents etc.), with the exception of the BRAVO H
Basic which has two flowrate regulators both for high flowrates. Normally the operator will
proceed with the flowrate setting following the norms or standards indication of interest.