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Ref : EN MU DSM 46 V2
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Quick Sampling Guide
Program the sampling..
Turn on the sampler and wait for some seconds
message appear when you turn on the instrument
Enter the main menu pressing a key
Verify the date and hour are correct (date format is dd-mm-yy) otherwise go to the
Chapter 4 - Utility Menu
3.1.1 Flowrate Setting
Before to program the sampling, set the flowrate to the desired value
Move the cursor using the arrows and select “Test
Pump OFF” and press Enter.
The pump will turn on and will be possible to set the
flowrate using the flow regulators (pos. 6) and reading
the value on the flow meters placed on the front of the
Once set the flowrate, go back with th cursor on “Test Pump ON” and press Enter
To move the cursor up use the
” key
Bravo Plus
Ver 1.xx
Press a key …
Timed Sampling
Volumetric Sampling
Test Pump OFF
Utility Menu
Explore Memory