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Ref : EN MU DSM 46 V2
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8 Remote control functions via SMS
The Bravo Plus can be equipped with a GSM modem for the remote control.
The GSM cellular modem must be the model supplied by CDL Tecora, other models can be used
after the verification done by the CDL Tecora.
To use the modem you must have a phone contract with the relative SIM card, (not supplied by
CDL Tecora with the modem)
The contract do not require particular characteristics, for this type of communication, a normal
“voice” contract is enough.
The data transmission feature is not necessary for this operation.
The instrument control take place through the send of SMS messages from any GSM portable
8.1 SMS Commands
Each command must have a particular syntax. The syntax will be described here below.
Different formats or syntax errors will be acknowledged as wrong messages.
It’s possible that messages with the correct syntax but containing wrong characters or
numbers could create operational anomalies in the instrument.
8.1.1 Start the sampling
The start sampling command launches immediately the sampling.
To use this command, the instrument must be in the stand-by condition (no sampling).
The instrument will start the sampling immediately, it’s not possible to set any delay.
The message format is the following:
Cycle = format, 00:00 hh:mm , selectable minimum time 00:01 (1 minute) max 99:59
Duration = format, 00:00 hh:mm , selectable minimum time 00:01 (1 minute) max 99:59
Samplings number = format nn ; minimum number 1 max 24
Sampling cycle 24 hours and duration 23 hours and 30 minutes, samplings number 8.
Answer message
If the sent message is correct and the sampler has started the operation, after some minutes, you’ll
receive a confirmation message with the following message :
>”03/09/11, 11,17:20:55+08
date and hour of the command message
“START;24:00;23:30;08;# :
commando sent to the sampler
command acknowledged and relative start