Remtron Pump Boss II
User Manual
Version 2.3
Wiring Instructions
All electrical connections are made from the receiver to the pump with the cable supplied with the Pump Boss II®
Individual Pump Boss II® systems have an Engineering Number (ENG #) which may be found on a
label adhered to the back of the Transmitter. The same ENG # is also provided on the Wiring
Configuration Sheet applicable to your product.
Product Wiring Configuration Sheets for the most common Pump Boss II® systems are provided in
this manual. .
Improper installation could cause damage to the pump and/or the Remtron control system. Only qualified
personnel should make all electrical installations.
For safety, disconnect the input power before installing the Pump Boss II® radio control system.
For applications involving throttle and/or volume, the PBIIR receiver utilizes an ‘H’ bridge output for motor control.
This means that both sides of the motor are tied to ground when the motor is not operating. In order to operate
the actuator from a local front panel control, disconnect the PBIIR receiver from the motor actuator before power
is applied from another source. This can be accomplished by using a transfer relay (local/remote) or a three-throw
toggle switch between the receiver from the local position actuator switch. This allows you to control the actuator
from your local position only when our receiver relay(s) disconnect from the actuator.