Remtron Pump Boss II
User Manual
Version 2.3
A microprocessor-based decoder ensures a great deal of safety as well as versatility. It
receives commands on one of 81 possible frequencies that are checked against a 16-bit
address code for proper identity and further tested against a 16-bit CRC check code. This
ensures that only valid information meant only for the particular unit is decoded. The receiver
assembly monitors and indicates its status on a continuous basis. The diagnostics are
presented in a simple, easy to understand format.
The ‘POWER’ LED illuminates when power is applied to the receiver.
The ‘SIGNAL’ LED has three functions:
It will double-flash, pause, and then repeat, indicating that the receiver is looking for a signal.
It will flash at a slow rate when receiving a signal and at a faster rate when it receives a command.
It will remain on with two short blink periods when the AUTO LINK™ switch is pressed on the receiver.
After the receiver learns the channel and address of the replacement transmitter, the LED remains on
constantly without the two blinks.
The ‘OUTPUT’ LED illuminates when the transmitter activates a command function (i.e., when a receiver relay