Revision 1.3a
Page 23
XLR 550 Manual
Set Up> Set DSL Line
Device Type
RT is for a remote site where the line clock is derived from the other end of the link. Co is central office
which in the absence of a cardframe or Mini DSLAM provides the clock source for the connection.
. One end of the link must always be set to CO and the other to RT
Transmission type of PME. The default value is b.
Annex A refers to North American specific requirements.
Annex B refers to European specific requirements.
The maximum line-rate of PME. This value must be larger than Min Rate. The range is from 192Kbps to
5,696 Kbps
The minimum rate of PME. This value must be smaller than the Max Rate. The range is from 192Kbps to
Enable or Disable power back-off of PME. (It is recommended this is set to enable)
Set the power back-off value of PME. The Value Is 0 – 31 (dB)
The target SNR margin of PME. The range is from 0 to 21 (dB)
Note after changing any of the DSL line parameters the XLR must be re-started.