Model G3B Gas burner — Instruction manual
MNG3B Gas 041015
General information
Burner applications
Follow all instructions in this manual and the appliance manual. Where
appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instruc-
tions. Read the label attached to the burner air tube to verify the burner is
correct for the appliance being used. See pages 6 and 7 for procedures.
Damage or shortage claims
The consignee of the shipment must file damage or shortage claims
immediately against the transportation company.
When calling or writing about the burner . . .
Please provide us with the burner serial number and burner model number
to assist us in locating information. Enter this information on the Installation
Certificate in this manual. The certificate information can be helpful when
troubleshooting or obtaining replacement parts.
PLEASE read this first . . .
Special attention flags
Please pay particular attention to the following when you see them through-
out this manual.
Notifies you of hazards that
cause severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
Notifies you of hazards that
cause severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
Notifies you of hazards that
cause minor personal
injury or property damage.
Notifies you of special instructions on installation, operation or
maintenance that are important, but are not normally related to
injury or property damage hazards.
Follow the guidelines below to avoid potential severe
personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Installer/service technician . . .
• Read all instructions before proceeding. Perform all procedures,
and in the order given to avoid potential of severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
• Before leaving the site after startup or service, review the User’s
information manual with the user. Make the user aware of all
potential hazards and perform the training outlined below.
Train the user . . .
• To properly operate the burner/appliance per this manual, the
appliance instructions and the
User’s information manual
• To keep this manual at or near the burner/appliance for ready
access by the user and service technician.
• To contact the service technician, gas supplier or fire department
should the user smell gas.
• To keep the appliance space
free of flammable liquids or vapors
and other combustible materials
• Do not use laundry products, paints, varnishes or other chemicals
in the room occupied by the burner/appliance.
• To contact the service technician at least annually for startup and
burner/appliance service.
When servicing the burner . . .
Disconnect electrical supply
to burner before attempting to
service to avoid electrical shock or possible injury from moving
• Burner and appliance components can be extremely hot.
all parts to cool
before attempting to handle or service to avoid
potential of severe burns.
• Handle the ceramic ignitor with care to avoid breaking or cracking
the ignitor. Do not handle ignitor when it is hot. NEVER touch
the surface of the ignitor with bare fingers. Body oils can cause
Codes and standards
The installer/servicer is solely responsible for compliance
with all applicable codes and standards.
Burner listings/approvals
Carlin G3B gas burners are CSA certified for use with natural gas or propane
gas, United States installations only.
Burners are NYC/MEA approved. MEA-369-89-E.
Burner/appliance installations must comply with the latest editions of:
• “Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burners,” ANSI Z21.8.
• National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
• National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
• All additional applicable national, state and local codes.