120 watt Power Amplifier (AF125)
An AF125 is the external 120 Watt program/paging amplifier used with the system. This
unit can be wall mounted or rack mounted. Output is 25V rms.
Telephone Communications Card (TC1)
The TC1 is a card that allows for the interconnection of a DA1 console to the CH1000
system, as well as connection of an analog PBX C.O. port the CH1000 system. The TC1
is installed as a plug in module on to the MI100 interface card. One TC1 is required for
every DA1, and up to eight can be used with a system. When using it for PBX
connectivity, a phone on the PBX system can gain access to paging and intercom
functions on the CH1000 system just like a phone that is locally connected.
Figure 5
Intercom Amplifier Card (IA1)
An IA1 is a module that provides the talk/listen audio amplification for conversations
between a DA1 and a remote room. The IA1 provides the means for a half duplex audio
channel, as well as digital audio filtering of all talk and listen audio. The use of digital
audio filtering means that typical room characteristics that make it difficult to listen to
someone, are less of a factor, and the listen audio becomes more intelligible at the DA1
handset. One IA1 is required for systems requiring intercom functionality.
VOX Sensitivity Adjust
Talk Level Adjust