CS150 Call Station
A CS150 is an enhanced single gang stainless steel call station with an epoxy coated silicon
call and privacy button, both of which can be illuminated when pressed. When placing a
call, the call button will be illuminated only after the central equipment has received the
call, so it acts as a true visual call assurance indicator. At the same time, an audible call
assurance tone will be provided by a buzzer on the station
. The privacy button can be
pressed at any time to mute the listen audio from a room during normal intercom
conversations, and provides an orange illumination when activated. Both switches
provide a momentary contact closure when pressed. This station comes with an RJ45 jack
on the back for
connection to
the SS16 which
is clearly
labeled on the
board. In
addition, there
are also
for a speaker,
security sensor,
open collector
driver, and
camera (also
Figure 10
HS100 Handset
A HS100 is a basic single gang stainless steel handset
station. The handset allows for a private
conversation by automatically switching the intercom
from the associated room speaker when taken off-
hook. There is no call button on this station, so it is
only capable of facilitating half duplex audio
communications that is initiated from a phone.
Figure 11
Audible alert tone is a local jumper selectable function of each CS150 station. Each CS150 station is factory set to enable the audible
alert tone. See figure 23 to determine how this tone can be defeated with the buzzer enable/disable jumper setting.