Writing the Backup Data to the Printer
Write the backup data saved on the computer to the printer. Writing backup data overwrites all
fi les stored in the printer with the backup data.
Connect the printer to the PC with a USB cable, and switch the printer to PC
connection mode.
Confi rm that "Waiting for data..." appears on
the printer's display.
P C C o n n e c t
W a i t i n g f o r d a t a . . .
Select [ Printer data backup] from the [File] menu.
Select [Recovery to the printer], and then click [OK].
Select a fi le in MK Desktop Utility Printer data File (*.mk5), and click [Open].
When writing backup data created with
conventional applications, select "Conventional
Printer data File (*.mk4; *.mk3; *.mdk)" for [File
of type].