Select the check mark for "Print a compound page" and set the format.
The orientation (Vert/Hor) and text direction (Vert char/Hor char) are specifi ed in the
"Orientation" settings. The default setting is "Hor/Hor char."
For print image, refer to
"Specifying the Orientation and Character Direction
You can surround the entire compound page with a frame. There are 5 frame shapes
available, with the default setting of "None."
[Set Length]
Allows you to specify the length of the compound page. The default setting is
When "Specify" is selected, the length can be entered in the range of
8 mm to 150 mm (4 mm to 150 mm for labels and plates only) in 0.1 mm increments.
[Plate printing area]
If you want to print the plate with the margin set to "0 mm," set the plate printing area
to "Expansion." The default setting is "Normal."
When "Expansion" is selected, the print media is automatically changed to "Plate." You
cannot select any other print media except plate.
For print image, refer to