SYSTEM 238 Installation Manual
Adjusting the LCD Display
To adjust the viewing angle, remove the keypad from the back
mounting plate. Towards the bottom center of the circuit board is
a small hole. Insert a small screwdriver into the hole and adjust
R23, while holding the keypad at its mounting height. Adjust the
potentiometer as necessary for optimum viewing.
Addressing Keypads
Each Alpha keypad installed in the system must have an address.
Addresses must not be repeated. When replacing a keypad,
make sure the replacement keypad has the same address as the
previous keypad.
The first time you power up the system, unaddressed Alpha
keypads will display KEYPAD ADDRESS?. Press any number
from 0 through 7 at each keypad. The exact number you press is
not important as long as each keypad has a different address
number. The keypad will not accept values outside of the specified
range. Should you accidently use the same address for more than
one keypad, the system will fail to properly respond to the keypad
input. Refer to page 23 for assistance in correcting this problem.
Once all keypads have been addressed, reset the panel by
pressing [Master Combination] [*] [6] [8] [#] or by temporarily
removing both AC and DC power.
The default programming of the SYSTEM 238 will allow you to
operate it as a local panel without any additional programming. The
actual default programming values are shown on the Programming
Worksheet (last 2 pages of this manual).
Note: If you connect power before wiring the loops, install a
2.2K EOL resistor across each loops.
Installer combination: 0 1 2 3 4 5
User #1 (Master) combination: 1 2 3 4
Users #2 - 8: disabled
Default installer combination: yes
Guest combination: no
Combination required: no
Arming type: goof-proof
Opening/Closing: disabled
Duress: disabled
Account #1 and #2: disabled
Dialing type: pulse
RPS allowed: yes
Zone 1 = Entry/Exit delay - EOL circuit
Zone 2 = doors or windows - EOL circuit
Zone 3 = doors or windows - EOL circuit
Zone 4 = doors or windows - EOL circuit
Zone 5 = interior - EOL circuit
Zone 6 = interior - EOL circuit
Zone 7 = 24-hour panic or tamper - EOL circuit
Zone 8 = fire or smoke - supervised EOL circuit
Emergency soft zone: chirp audible
Fire soft zone: pulsed audible
Police soft zone: steady audible
Test report interval: 7 days and disabled
Entry time: 60 seconds and prewarn
Exit time: 30 seconds and prewarn
Bell time: 5 minutes
Unit Control
Local system: yes
Dynamic battery test: off
The following is an alphabetical listing of all SYSTEM 238 program-
ming options, including Command Locations and Digit Positions.
Digit Positions are inside parentheses ( ).
Account #1
0C (1-6)
Account #2
10 (1-6)
Alarm Code by Loop
17 - 1E (1-2)
Alarm Loop Shunting by Loop
30 - 37 (2)
Alarm Receiver Select by Loop
1F - 26 (1)
Audible Time
2D (5)
Audible Type by Loop
1F - 26(5)
Bell Reverse Operation
2E (3)
Cancel Receiver Select
2A (6)
Cancel Report Code
2A (5)
Closing Report Code
2C (3)
Closing Report Receiver
2C (4)
Combination Command
09 (2)
Daily Battery Test Enable
2F (2)
Delay Before Dial by Loop
30 - 37 (4)
Delay Before Dial Time
0B (1)
Dial Attempts
0B (6)
Dial Type
0B (2)
Disable Loop LEDs
2E (5)
Door Chime Enable by Loop
30 - 37 (1)
Duress Report Code
2D (1)
Duress Report Receiver
2D (2)
Emergency Bell Type
27 (4)
Emergency Report Code
27 (1 - 2)
Emergency Receiver Select
27 (3)
Entry Delay Time
2D (3)
Entry Pre-alarm Enable
2E (1)
Exit Delay Time
2D (4)
Exit Pre-alarm Enable
2E (2)
Faulted Arming Type
09 (4)
Fire Bell Type
28 (4)
Fire Report Code
28 (1 - 2)
Fire Receiver Select
28 (3)
Four Minute Power Up Delay Enable
2F (3)
Group Shunt Enable
30 - 37 (3)
Guest Combination
08 (2 - 6)
Guest Combination Time
09 (1)
Installer Combination
00 (1 - 6)
Keypad RPS Enable
0B (3)
Local System Only
2F (1)
Loop Arming Type
1F - 26 (4)
Loop Audible Type
1F - 26 (5)
Loop Circuit Type
1F - 26 (6)
Loop Receiver Select
1F - 26 (1)
Loop Response Time
1F - 26 (2)
Loop Restore Type
1F - 26 (3)
Master Code (User #1)
01 (2 - 6)
Opening Report Code
2C (1)
Opening Report Receiver
2C (2)
Police Bell Type
29 (4)
Police Report Code
29 (1 - 2)
Police Receiver Select
29 (3)
Phone Ring Type
0B (5)
Receiver #1 Message Format
0A (2)
Receiver #1 Phone Number
0D - 0F (1 - 6)
Receiver #1 Receive Format
0A (1)