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4.1.16 Set Alarm-time
40, 0#, default value, if set Alarm-time to 0 means no alarm.
40, (0-99) #, Alarm-time is set from 1 to 99 minutes.
4.1.17 Set tampering alarm function
41, 0#, default value, disable tampering alarm function.
41, 1#, enable Anti-dismantle alarm function.
Note: When the Keypad is dismantled, an alarm signal will be send out at the same time. The alarm can be canceled by
inputting an Admin Password, reading an admin card or user card.
4.1.18 Set alarm or doorbell output function
42, 0#, default value, alarm wire output alarm signal voltage.
42, 1#, alarm wire output doorbell signal voltage.
Note: The Alarm wire is internally connected with the drain of the NMOS transistor, and the output is active low, which can
drive the current less than 1A.
4.1.19 Set Error lockout function
43, 0#, default value, normal working mode.
43,1#, alarm working mode, when error operation times exeeds the allowed times, the Keypad alarm will beep and it
send out an alarm signal.
43, 2#, locked working mode, when error operation times exeeds the allowed times, the Keypad will lock up for some
time. User cannot press any key or read card during that time.
44, (1-10)#, default value is 10, set maximum attempts from 1 to 10 .
45, (1-99)#, default value is 10,set locked out time after the PIN or card attempts exceed the maximum times, from 1 to
99 minutes
Note: Lock out function prevents and unlimited PIN number or unauthorized cards to open the door in a short period of
time, the default period is within 10 minutes of invalid PIN or invalid card number reads exceeds the default setting, the
controller will alarm or lock up for some time.
4.1.20 Set LED indicator light mode
50, 0#, standby, LED indicator light is off.
50, 1#, default value, standby, LED indicator light always red.
50, 2#, standby, LED turns green in reader mode, LED turns red in other modes.
4.1.21 Adjust the brightness of the red indicator
51, 1, 1, ... ,decrease brightness
51, 2, 2, ..., increase brightness
Note: The brightness of the indicator light can be adjusted 21 different levels. Each time you press the “1” key, it decrease 1
level of brightness. Press and hold on the “1” key, the brightness will continuously decrease. When it reaches to minimum
level of brightness, the keypad will beep twice. Each time you press the “2” key, the red LED will increase the level of
brightness. Press and hold on the “2” key, the brightness will continuously increase. When it reaches to the maximum
brightness the controller will beep twice.