© Cobham Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan 12 | SE-411 19 Goteborg | Sweden
+46 31 7758650 | www.caes.com/gaisler
Document Data Sheet & User Manual
Feb 2022, Version 1.2
The board contains the following main items as detailed in section 4 of this document:
Cobham Gaisler GR716 radiation-hardened microcontroller featuring a fault-tolerant LEON3
SPARC V8 processor (Note: This item is not fitted in some versions of the board)
Xilinx Ultrascale XCKU060 FPGA
Dual SODIMM sockets for DDR3 SDRAM memory (
bit wide interface)
512 Mbit SPI memory (Cypress, S25FL512SAGN in SOIC-16 package) for FPGA
512 Mbit SPI memory (Cypress, S25FL512SAGN in SOIC-16 package) for FPGA non-
volatile memory
512 Mbit SPI memory (Cypress, S25FL512SAGN in SOIC-16 package) for
512 Mbit SPI memory (Cypress, S25FL512SAGN in SOIC-16 package) for
volatile memory
Parallel Flash memory (40 bit wide) connected to FPGA
Dual Gbit Ethernet interface with standard RJ45 connector
Dual 1 PPS interface
Dual SPW/LVDS interfaces with MDM9S connector on front panel
front panel SPFI interface with E-SATA connector
FTDI Serial to USB converter for FMC- JTAG and GR716 DSU/UART interfaces
FMC mezzanine connector
Header for FPGA SOCPIO (16 pins)
Header for GR716 SOCPIO (30 pins)
CPCI-S Backplane interface
VIN power input (+12V nom.) via backplane or 2 pin header
on-board regulators converting from VIN to various on-board voltages
switches and headers for bootstrap and configuration settings