© Cobham Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan 12 | SE-411 19 Goteborg | Sweden
+46 31 7758650 | www.caes.com/gaisler
Document Data Sheet & User Manual
Feb 2022, Version 1.2
The board is provided with a default configuration set by bootstrap settings which may have to be
changed to suit the User’s preferences.
For additional information, refer to [RD1] and [RD4]. For information about the Bootstrap signals,
refer to section 5.3.
To operate the board stand alone on the bench top, install the power configuration jumpers
appropriately, and a power supply of +12V nominal to the board connector J18.
ATTENTION! To prevent damage to board, please ensure that the correct power
supply voltage and polarity is used with the board.
Do not 14.5V at the power supply input, as this may damage the board.
The PWR LED on the front panel should be illuminated indicating that the power
supply is present and the board is generating the supply voltages that it requires.
GR716 Processor Programing and Debug
To perform program download and software debugging on the GR716 processor it is necessary to use
Cobham Gaisler GRMON3
debugging software, installed on a host PC. Please refer to the
GRMON3 documentation for the installation of the software on the host PC (Linux or Windows), and
for the installation of the associated hardware dongle.
To perform software download and debugging on the processor, a link from the Host computer to the
DSU interface of the board is necessary. As described in section 4.6.4 this is achieved via the FTDI
USB interface.
Program download and debugging can be performed in the usual manner with GRMON3. More
information on the usage, commands and debugging features of GRMON3, is given in the GRMON3
Users Manuals and associated documentation, [RD3].
FPGA Programing and Debug
Loading and programming of the FPGA configuration files is performed using the JTAG interface of
the FPGA.This is accessed via the front panel J2 (marked ‘
on the front panel) connector
with a standard Micro-USB cable connected to a host computer running the Xilinx Vivado design
Please refer to the Xilinx Ultrascale and Vivado design software documentation for more information
of the programming process.
Switches and Bootstrap Signals
A number of features of the board have configuration options which need to be set correctly in order
for the board to operate correctly.
This includes: