© Cobham Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan 12 | SE-411 19 Goteborg | Sweden
+46 31 7758650 | www.caes.com/gaisler
Document Data Sheet & User Manual
Feb 2022, Version 1.2
Figure 4
FPGA Bank and Signal Assignment
Bank 0 of the FPGA is the configuration and JTAG interface of the FPGA. To allow the GR716 to
perform configuration of the FPGA via its SMAP interface, it must connect to the GR716 with 3.3V
logic. This bank and Bank 65 are constrained to use an I/O voltage of 3.3V. Bank 65 is assigned also
to the SMAP interface of the GR716 and for other miscellaneous 3.3V logic interface signals.
Logic banks 24 & 25 are assigned to the FMC-LPC interface (LVDS differential pairs) and to 1.8V
logic for the PIO interface and are powered with an I/O voltage of 1.8V.
Logic banks 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 are dedicated to the 96 bit wide DDR3 Memory data interface and are
powered with an I/O voltage of 1.5V. The pin assignment of these interfaces takes account of the
assignment constraints imposed by the Xilinx ‘Memory Interface Generator’ (MIG) software for
DDR3 interfaces.
Logic bank 64 is assigned to the Dual Gbit Ethernet interface, the SPI Data flash and the parallel
NOR flash interface and is powered with an I/O voltage of 1.8V
Logic banks 66 and 67 are assigned to the SPW interfaces (LVDS differential pairs) and are powered
with an I/O voltage of 1.8V
Logic bank 68 is also assigned to the parallel NOR flash interface and is powered with an I/O voltage
of 1.8V.
GTH banks Q224 provides high speed transceiver links for the Front Panel SPFI interface and the
optional High Speed serial link pins on the FMC connector.
GTH banks Q225, Q226, Q227, Q228 provide high speed transceiver links to the CPCI-S backplane.