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User's Manual (MUT)
Mod. V2718 VME PCI Optical Link Bridge
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1. General description
1.1. Overview
The Mod. V2718 is a 1-unit wide 6U VME master module, which can be interfaced to the
CONET (Chainable Optical NETwork) and controlled by a standard PC equipped with the
PCI card CAEN Mod. A2818 or the PCIe card A3818. The A2818 is a 32-bit 33 MHz PCI
card supporting both the CONET1 old version of CAEN optical link communication
portocol and the latest CONET2 one (for details, please refer to the Application Note
“AN2472 - CONET1 to CONET2 migration” freely downloadable on CAEN website at
Home / Document Library
). The A3818 is a PCI Express (v1.1 or higher) card that can
plug into both x8 and x16 PCI Express slot and allows the control of up to 4 CONET2
independent networks. A3818 d
oesn’t support CONET1 protocol.
The communication path uses optical fiber cables as physical transmission line. Up to 8
V2718 VME masters can be controlled by one A2818 PCI controller, while up to 32 ones
can be controlled by one A3818 PCIe controller.
The module is capable of performing all the cycles foreseen by the VME64X
Important note
: the Mod. VX2718 is the VME64X mechanics version of the module and
requires a VME64X type crate; the Mod. VN2738 is the VNX9 (9 Unit) mechanics version
of the module and requires a VNX9 type crate. In the present manual the “generic” term
“V2718” refers to all versions, except as otherwise specified.
The module
can work in a “multimaster” system with the possibility of operating as a
system controller, in this case (which is the default option as the board is inserted in the
slot 1), it works as Bus Arbiter, Sysclock Driver, IACK Daiy Chain Driver, etc.
The module features a LED display which allows to monitor the VME bus activity in
detail. The front panel features 5 TTL/NIM programmable outputs on LEMO 00
connectors (default assignment is: DS, AS, DTACK, BERR signals and the output of a
programmable Location Monitor) and two programmable TTL/NIM inputs (on LEMO 00
Operation as a Slave module is available for reading the Dataway display and the
Internal Test RAM.
The sustained data transfer rate is up to 70 MByte/s by using CONET1 and up to 80
MByte/s by using CONET2. Thanks to the 128KB memory buffer, the activity on the VME
bus is not slowed down by the transfer rate on the CONET when several V2718’s share
the same network. The firmware updates, documentation and useful software supporting
the use with the most common PC platforms (Windows XP/VISTA/7, Linux), are available
on CAEN website at:
Home / Products / Modular Pulse Processing Electronics / VME / Controller (VME) / V2718
2eVME cycles and 3U boards cycles are not implemented yet.
LED display and
are not available on Mod. V/VX2718LC versions