Generator/ Transmitter:
Using an Inductive Sweep
If a large area needs to be searched for buried services
then an ‘Inductive Sweep’ could be used. It is an ideal
method for detecting the position of buried services as
they cross the boundary of a large site.
An Inductive Sweep requires two people; one to operate
the Locator and one to position the Generator/ Transmitter.
1. Stand about 10 metres apart.
2. The first person holds the Generator/ Transmitter,
switched on at the lowest Output Power Level, close to
the ground and ‘end on’
see diagram
whilst you hold
the Locator switched to Generator Mode or Transmitter
The MXL2 Locator must be set to the same
frequency as the MXT2 Transmitter
3. Adjust the sensitivity so that the Locator is just showing
a visual response and emitting an audible response.
4. Together, slowly walk across the site, staying the same
distance apart and being careful to keep in line with each
other. When the Generator/ Transmitter gets close to a
buried metallic service the signal will be induced onto
it and you should see this in the increased response on
the Locator.
5. Immediately tell your colleague to stop and place the
Generator/ Transmitter on the ground at that point.
Now you can pinpoint the service and trace out it’s route.
Continue the sweep across the length and width of
search area.
It is important to maintain the same distance and between the Locator
and Generator/ Transmitter at all times.