C.Scope Locator:
Depth Measurement Checks
DXL2 and MXL2 Locators only
Depth Measurement
An area clear of services and metal structures should be chosen
of reinforced concrete car parks
. A search with the C.Scope Locator in
all 4 modes will help confirm the absence of other services. An insulated
cable or wire over twenty metres long (not supplied) is laid out on the
ground surface and the far end connected to a ground stake and earthed.
The near end is connected to the red Direct Connection Lead.
The black Earth Lead should be laid at right angles to the 20 metre cable
and earthed at the far end with the Earth Stake. The plug should be
inserted in the connector on the Generator/ Transmitter.
The Generator/ Transmitter is turned on to the lowest
Output Power Level, CF
MXT2 Transmitter only
and Continuous Mode. The Locator should then
be held vertically above the longer cable,
approximately midway along it.
The depth can then be measured. It is best to make
a few readings at different depths.
Beware - metal step ladders affect the accuracy!
MXL2 Locators only:
This procedure can then be repeated using 8kHz
and 640/512Hz
These checks cannot be used to confirm the equipment is performing to the specifications
on page 57.